Ostap Nyzhankivsky - a priest of the UGCC.
Ostap Nyzhankivsky born in the village of Mali Didushychi (today Stryi district of Lviv region) January 24, 1863. He was born in a large family of Greek Catholic priest of Joseph Nyzhankivsky (1836 - 1911), which was a priest of the Greek Catholic parish in the village Mali Didushychi.
The Polish occupation authorities May 22, 1919 without trial on the outskirts city Stryi was shot Ostap Nyzhankivsky. When Ostap Nyzhankivsky was shot, Poles came to the house of Nyzhankivsky in the village Zavadiv and took all the cattle, poultry, grains. Polish soldiers took off shoes of the murdered priest, took off a gold wedding ring, took the clock.
He was buried in the city Stryi at the cemetery in the family tomb together with his wife Elena Nyzhankivsky (Bachynska).
External links
* library.lnu.edu.ua/bibl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=640:28-do-150-richchja-vid-dnja-narodzhennja-ostapa-nyzhankivskogo-18631919&catid=120:modus-legendi&Itemid=68 (28. До 150-річчя від дня народження Остапа Нижанківського (1863–1919), “Майно покійного в Завадові вантажили на підводи вояки армії Зелінського”) (Ukrainian)
* www.gazeta.lviv.ua/article/6051(«Стрийська трійця». Остап Нижанківський, “Польські вояки ще й роззули вбитого отця”) (Ukrainian)